Episode 3: Crossroads4hope & The Cancer Journey
By Ralph Weaver and Amy Sutton
Getting a cancer diagnosis is devastating to most people who often don’t know where to turn for help and assistance. Medical terms are coming fast and furious and decisions about one’s health must be made often at times where the patient is uninformed. This session is about empowering patients and care givers to know their options as they start the cancer journey. That is where Crossroads4Hope comes in. This incredible organization supports not only patients, but families too during this difficult time.
This discussion is close to Ralph’s heart. Ralph made a made a commitment following the death of his sister from breast cancer to do whatever he could to help others in need when fighting cancer. Resources like those provided by Crossroads4Hope were not available at that time, so today he is honored and proud to support this incredible organization. Ralph discusses the cancer journey and the incredible mission of Crossroads4Hope with their CEO, Amy Sutton.