EWC is thrilled to celebrate Carol being selected to serve as Director of Special Events on the MPI Gulf States 2023-2024 Board of Directors!
Pictured: MPI Gulf States Chapter Board of Directors 2023-2024
What is your new role?
Carol: Director of Special Events What are your responsibilities? Carol: To create excitement, increase attendance by promoting six (6) networking events. Networking events occur every other month.
What are you most excited about in this role?
I am genuinely thrilled about the potential to work with some of the top hospitality leaders in the Gulf States to create a series of outstanding networking events. I am confident that we can forge a path filled, with fun, creativity, and memorable experiences with an element of surprise.
How does the process work to be selected for this role? Is it a nominated position?
New Members to the board are nominated or you can volunteer to be considered; once the names are submitted each person is interviewed by someone who has served on the board in the past and is in the hospitality industry; the interviewers report back to the board, a discussion is had and then a vote on the final nominee. The President of the MPI Chapter then makes a formal offer.
What is your favorite thing about being a part of this organization?
The opportunity to promote EWC through networking industry events along with attending education sessions relevant to our industry.